Holographic Beam Forming

Microsoft - Building #99 Room 1919 14820 NE 36th Street - Building #99 Room 1919, Redmond, WA, United States

Speaker: Eric Black, Ph.D., CTO of Bellevue-based Pivotal Commware Abstract: In this presentation, Eric will describe his company’s software-defined antennas that use Holographic Beam Forming™ to increase network speed, capacity and spectral efficiency.  HBF represents a breakthrough in electro-magnetic physics that offers the lowest cost, size, weight and power (C-SWaP) envelope available. Beamforming will play a critical role in 5G deployments, and Eric will compare Holographic Beam Forming to MIMO and phased array technologies. His presentation will be based on his white paper Holographic Beam Forming and MIMO located at the bottom of Pivotal’s technology webpage, https://pivotalcommware.com/technology/. Bio: After receiving his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon in 2010, Eric worked on several DARPA and other defense projects at Boeing Research and Technology.  His interests lie in the design, fabrication, and evaluation of metamaterial-enhanced electromagnetic systems.
